Episode 9: United on a Way Forward

How can vision and leadership help a non-profit become a global force for change, and what lessons can we learn from his journey?

In this episode, we talk with Brian Gallagher, former CEO of United Way Worldwide and current CEO of the Leargas Group. The Leargas Group is a strategy consulting firm focused on developing solutions that have meaningful and lasting social impact.

His career, one marked by transformative leadership, has left an indelible impact on non-profits and social change. As we explore his experiences and insights, Brian presents his view that everyone's success is essential for collective success. The conversation also includes the impact of institutionalized racism, the necessity of supportive structures for marginalized communities, and the importance of uncomfortable conversations in initiating change.


Show Notes

Brian Gallagher is the founder and CEO of the Leargas Group.  The Leargas Group offers advisory services, project management, and board leadership in the areas of building social capital using digital technology, racial equity and justice and impact investing.  Gallagher had a long career with United Way, including 19 years as the global CEO.  He retired from the CEO position in 2021 to launch his new firm.

As CEO of United Way Worldwide, Brian led the efforts to transform the governance and accountability standards, change the mission to community impact, create United Way Worldwide by merging the U.S. and International operations, and launch the successful Live United campaign in partnership with McCann World Group.  When Brian departed, United Way Worldwide was the largest privately supported non-profit in the world, with $5 billion in annual revenue.  United Way was the only non-profit on the Forbes Most Valuable Brands in the World list valued at $34 billion.

Talking points in this Episode:

  • Brian shares his journey from social work major to CEO of the United Way Worldwide.

  • Brian highlights the importance of reframing success and creating mechanisms to lift marginalized communities.

  • We discuss the need for change in economic policy, corporate culture, and governance.

  • and more…

More About Native Son:

Website: theleargasgroup.com | Email: bgallagher@theleargasgroup.com


00:00:00] More Elephant Intro

[00:00:38] Jason Rudman: Welcome to the latest More Elephant podcast. And I'm delighted to welcome Brian Gallagher, the CEO of the Leargas Group, to join me in a wide-ranging conversation around economic and social issues, racial justice, equity, and having an impact. Brian, welcome to the More Elephant podcast.

[00:00:58] Brian Gallagher: Thanks, Jason; great to be with you.

[00:01:00] Jason Rudman: So would love to jump right in. Brian, I don't want to steal your thunder other than to say you're the former global CEO of the United Way, and then you started Leargas. If you could take the listeners who are not familiar either with the United Way or Brian Gallagher through your journey, that would be a great place to start.

[00:01:20] Brian Gallagher: Happy to do it. I used to say to people that I'm a United Way lifer. I was a social work major at Ball State in Muncie, Indiana. I did my senior year practicum at the local United Way in Muncie. I heard about a management training program at the national organization, United Way of America, applied for it, and became the first alternate. Somebody turned down the job.

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