Episode 10: Living The Width of Your Life

How can we create a life that aligns with our passions and allows us to thrive?

New Year, New You! As we begin a new year, resolutions are made to start fresh and make positive changes that enrich and enliven our lives. With 2024 less than two weeks old, many of us are challenging ourselves to be More Elephant.

It is fitting then that the first conversation of the year is with Aneta Kuzma, host of the Live the Width of Your Life podcast, author of "Live the Width of Your Life: 365 Daily Meditations on Living with Purpose, Passion, and Peace." and a contributor to Brainz Magazine and Thrive Global.

Aneta is dedicated to guiding individuals toward making a meaningful impact. Her passion lies in helping clients break free from stagnation, awaken to their full potential and purpose, dream big, and take aligned action to embrace the WIDTH of their lives. Recognizing the everyday struggles of individuals in pursuing healthier and more fulfilling lives, Aneta empowers her clients to redefine success, mitigate stress, conquer limiting beliefs, and design lives imbued with purpose, passion, and peace.

In our conversation, Aneta discusses her journey to becoming an entrepreneur, author, and podcaster. She shares her experiences dealing with corporate stress and burnout and the importance of body-mind wellness practices and modalities like yoga, meditation, and breathwork to help individuals, corporations, and nonprofits improve their overall well-being.


Show Notes

Aneta Kuzma is a coach, wellness consultant, yoga and meditation teacher, breathwork facilitator, author, podcast host, and the Founder of the Ardelian Kuzma Group, LLC. Her passion is helping her clients create transformational change.

After a successful 25 years in the corporate world, Aneta began a new chapter and founded her coaching and consulting business to help others live the width – not just the length – of their lives. Aneta works with high-achieving professionals and entrepreneurs to create mindful leadership, increase focus, creativity, and productivity, and deliver wellness programs to organizations, helping teams achieve optimal health.

Key More Elephant Takeaways from the conversation:

  • Aneta shares how she transitioned from a corporate role following someone else’s rules to owning and living the width of her life.

  • Aneta shares the importance of starting at a place, asking the right questions as part of self-reflection, and how yoga and meditation helped create clarity of vision.

  • Aneta discusses the impact of masculine and feminine energy, stress on the nervous system, and the impact of burnout and anxiety on our psyche and how we operate to survive, not thrive.

Links to Learn More:

  • To schedule a free coaching consultation with Aneta, click here.

  • For a free breathwork session with Aneta, click here and use code LTBW2023

More About Aneta Kuzma:

LinkedIn: Aneta Ardelian Kuzma | Instagram: ardeliankuzma | Website: akuzmagroup.com

Suggested Reading

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More Elephant Intro

[00:00:38] Jason Rudman: Welcome to the latest More Elephant podcast, and I am really excited today to welcome Aneta Kuzma. Aneta and I have known each other for a number of years. She is more than a triple threat. She's an author, a podcaster, an entrepreneur, and when she's not doing that, she's also a wife, a mother, and a community activist.

So there's lots going on that we're going to dig into today, but I'm excited to be in conversation with Aneta so that you can hear her story of how she figured out how to Live the Width of her Life, which is the title of her podcast and how she is then helping individuals, corporations and nonprofits figure out how to do that on behalf of their constituents or the individuals that she serves.

So, Aneta, welcome. So good to see you.

[00:01:30] Aneta Kuzma: Jason. I'm so happy to be here and I am just so excited to be one of your first few guests on your podcast. So congratulations.

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